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Mining Subsidence Stu

Member Since: 06 Mar 2024
Location: Cornwall
Posts: 29

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 90 200 Tdi HT Caledonian Blue
TDi injector pump head seal leaking. Replacing the O ring.
Now, there are some very good threads on this on the internet.

Where the pump leaks from the block which the pipes come out of. You need a 60mmx2.5mm O-Ring. They're in a kit.

To cut a long story short, you take all the injector pipes off, undo the 17mm nut in the middle of them, stick a pokey thing in the hole and turn the engine until it's poked out to the max. This means the pump is on full cam and it's less likely to fall apart inside. Take the stop solenoid off and then take the bracket off. The online forum thing says you need a 55mm 6mm allen headed screw here, but since the Defender has a bracket there, after you've taken this off, they're longer anyway. (50mm, rather than 45mm). What you need to do is swap the screws around (holding the head on) so you can get the bracket off (which goes to the block). When you have taken all of these off, you'll find there are two long screws, top and bottom and 2 shorter ones, side to side. What you then do is remove all of these, then unwind the head enough so you can see the O ring. You then poke it with something sharp, I used a wooden skewer (as not to scratch anything). Then pulled the ring out and snapped it. It was flattened. So, I put the new O ring in hot water, covered it in grease and whacked it straight in. Simple. Pulled another bolt in (wing side shorter one) and withdrew the other one, holding the O ring out with a hairgrip end and then taking the bolt out. Checking it wasn't pinched and then starting to tighten the head bolts up again. Perfect job so far.

We got it in to about 1mm gap and it wouldn't tighten up. At this point, it's either a bit of a waggle and it's fine, or bang and it's fked. I put a 30mm on the crank nut and gave it about 20 degrees turn. The injector pump went CHAAAANGGG!!!!! and it was like "that's fked"

On disassembly, there is a sort of "lollipop thing" which was cracked and a sintered thing which has some rollers attached to it, looks like a roundabout. That was all smashed as well.

The upshot of this is that the pump is not exchangeable due to this reason.

I have had to just buy a new pump. ££££ OUCH.

What the lesson is here is that the "do it guide" says "do not slacken the pump head off too much". They don't say how much. I pulled the O ring out so it had about 1mm of metal on the inside of it. This is too far. You need to just see the whole ring and THAT IS IT.

It's not a really difficult job. I could do it again in 40 minutes or so. But the lack of this explicit piece of knowledge meant that I am the best part of £1000 down.
Post #1059493 4th Feb 2025 12:39pm
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Member Since: 26 Dec 2018
Location: South west
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Aintree Green
I have done quite a few with this method and never had a problem however am always careful to just reveal the o ring and jab it with a sharp pick to remove it.

I have at least five spare 300tdi injector pumps sat on a shelf in my garage, I’ll have to sell a few!!
Post #1059660 6th Feb 2025 10:22am
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Mining Subsidence Stu

Member Since: 06 Mar 2024
Location: Cornwall
Posts: 29

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 90 200 Tdi HT Caledonian Blue

Click image to enlarge

It was literally about 1.5mm too far. It looked fine, but really wasn't fine.

The lollipop thing is the bit which is the deal breaker. The star rotor thing in the middle is just made out of poo.

Click image to enlarge
Post #1059666 6th Feb 2025 10:51am
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